August 2023

Women Helping Women

Founded in 1973, Women Helping Women prevents gender-based violence and empowers all survivors. WHW provides evidence-based prevention and expert crisis intervention and support services for survivors of dating violence, sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking in Hamilton and Butler, Ohio Counties (including sexual violence crisis services to Brown and Adams Counties).

Habitat for Humanity

At Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati, we believe everyone deserves a safe, affordable place to live. Habitat volunteers work alongside partner families to build strength, stability and self-reliance through homeownership.

Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center

Children's Law Center, Inc. is a unique non-profit legal service center protecting the rights of children and youth — so they can transition into adulthood in safe, healthy ways. Through direct legal assistance, policy reform, and community education, CLC offers vital advocacy in the child welfare system, juvenile justice system, and education system.

Cincinnati Tennis Foundation

We strive to make tennis and educational opportunities available to all players year round, removing all barriers to access. We want to offer a positive, community hub to learn, grow, and thrive through the sport of tennis.
